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Your Teacher

Barbara Tara West, ERTY-500 (Retired), C-IAYT

Barbara has taken professional trainings in the lineage traditions of Integral Yoga, The Himalayan Institute and Ananda Seva, with additional studies in a variety of traditions. She had achieved the E-RYT 500, and has completed two 500 level trainings for both Yoga Teacher and Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT). She is recognized by the International Association of Yoga Therapist. Her additional specialized teaching certifications are in the areas of Meditation & Mantra, Yoga Therapy, Advanced Asana & Pranayama, Gentle Yoga Therapy, Pre-natal Yoga, Children’s Yoga, and was chosen as a pilot teacher for the American Arthritis Association’s Yoga program.
Her area of foremost interest is practicing, studying and teaching meditation based on a variety of traditional styles and techniques. She hopes to bring the healing practice of yoga to everyone regardless of age, physical state or means. She wishes to assist others in finding that steady peace that yoga & meditation brings. She is an initiate in the lineage of Swami Rama of the Himalayans. Barbara has regularly practiced Raja yoga for 30 years and meditation for over 60 years, has 10,000 hours of teaching experience and has completed over 1,600 hours of teacher training & continuing education. Barbara teaches yoga & meditation classes, workshops, private yoga lessons & Yoga Therapy sessions at Inlight. She and her husband are happy to live in Powhatan, and call it home.

Certifications/Teacher Training:

ERYT 500, RYT 200, RYT 500 Professional Yoga Teacher Level Certification in Philosophy, Theory and Practice, Integral Yoga

RYT500/C-IAYT Yoga Therapist, Ananda Seva

Advanced Asana & Pranayama, Integral Yoga; Advanced Meditation, Himalayan Institute of Yoga Science & Philosophy; Gayatri Mantra, Himalayan Institute; Advanced Pranayama, Himalayan Institute; Extra Gentle Yoga Therapy, Integral Yoga; Intermediate Asana & Pranayama, Integral Yoga; American Arthritis Foundation Yoga Teacher; Pre-natal, Leslie Lytle Om Mama; Children’s Yoga, ChildLight Yoga; Mindful Touch, Priti Robyn Ross


Continuing Education:

Yoga Therapy for Better Sleep, Gary Kraftsow; Meditation Unlocked, Gary Kraftsow; Yoga Therapy & Managing the Stress Response, Gary Kraftsow; Yoga for Anxiety, Gary Kraftsow; The Science of Yoga & Yoga Therapy, Sat Bir Singh Khalsa; Stress Mgt. w/ Yoga & Meditation, Carrie Demers, MD; The Healing Art of Yoga, Rolf Sovik; Mantra Meditation, Rolf Sovik; Science of Breath, Rolf Sovik & Sandra Anderson; Emotional Release During Yoga, Mala Cunningham; Yoga Nidra, Amrit Desai; Science & Clinical Application of Meditation, HH The Dalai Lama; Inner Tantric Yoga, David Frawley; Tri Yoga, Kali Ray; Kundalini Research Assoc 2010 Conference; The Science of Yoga, Timothy McCall, MD; Yoga as Medicine, Timothy McCall, MD; Meditation: Quiet Mind-Boundless Spirit, Rolf Sovik; Yoga Nidra: Asleep Yet Awake, Rolf Sovik; Discover the Chakras, Rolf Sovik; Yoga Anatomy, Physiology & Practice, Roger Cole; Brilliance of the Yoga Sutras, Rolf Sovik: Yoga for Optimal Health, Gary Kraftsow; Inspiration of Sri Swami Rama, Rolf Sovik

Studied Under/Attended Classes:

Himalayan Institute: Rolf Sovik & Sandra Anderson; Integral Yoga: Swami Asokananda and others; Dharma Yoga: Dharma Mitra; Amrit Yoga/Kripalu Yoga: Amrit Desai; Kundalini Yoga: Denise Kondick; Iyengar: Lindsey Clennell; OM Yoga: Cindy Lee; Baptiste Power Yoga: Coeli Marsh; Tri Yoga: Kali Ray. With additional classes in: Sivananda, Ashtanga, Jivanmukti, Bikram and Anusaura.


Former Memberships (pre-retirement)

Yoga Alliance

Integral Yoga Teachers Association

Himalayan Institute

International Association of Yoga Therapists

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